Commissioner Lucy Ebel represents District 2 on the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners. During her campaign, Lucy passionately shared her commitment to faith, family, freedom, and her love for the American Dream. Lucy has not wavered from her convictions or her campaign promises while serving on the Board.

Lucy’s consistent character and firm resolve have drawn the attention of Democratic Party activists. Party actors now seek to remove Lucy to shift power on the Board to a Democrat-led block of Commissioner Zylstra, Commissioner Bergman, and Commissioner Bonnema. The actions and media flirtations of weak Republicans have emboldened the Democratic Party in Ottawa County.

Larry Jackson, prior candidate and treasurer for the Ottawa County Democratic Party, filed a recall petition against Lucy Ebel in July. The language of the petition was approved by the Elections Commission on July 17, 2023, and signature collection began. The Elections Commission stated it was up to the public to determine if the petition language is true and a worthy reason to recall Lucy when considering whether to sign.

What is the current status on the recall of Commissioner Ebel?

The recall is on hold. Lucy is raising funds to pay for the appeal. Commissioner Ebel appealed the decision of the Election Commission. A hearing is scheduled for August 18 at the Kent County Circuit Court to consider the appeal.

What will be considered at the hearing?

Commissioner Ebel filed an appeal citing the petition is invalid due to deficiencies in the petition. The petition was approved even though it did not comply with the requirements of the law.

How many signatures are required for the recall in District 2?

Approximately 2500. About half of the signatures are reported to have been collected.

How many signatures have been collected during the appeal process?

Zero. It is illegal to collect signatures during an appeal.

How long do Democrat activists have to collect the signatures?

Approximately 6 months from the date of approval by the Elections Commission. However, all signatures must be collected within a 60-day window.

What is the cost of the legal appeal?

Approximately $15-20,000. There is an immediate need for $10-15,000.

How can you support Lucy?

Donate to Lucy’s recall defense at:

View Lucy’s website at: