The Contract with Ottawa is an ongoing promise to the people of Ottawa, not a contract with an individual or Ottawa Impact.
Candidates who sign the Contract are asking to be held to the heart of those who elect them, rather than government bureaucracy or special interests which too often sway individuals post election.
In the pursuit of excellence, Ottawa Impact requests candidates sign the Contract with Ottawa.
In the spirit of Newt Gingrich’s 1994 Contract with America, the Contract with Ottawa is a promise to the people of what candidates will stand for.
It is an invitation to the people to hold the candidates accountable to specific actions to fulfill their campaign promises. The candidate’s word is glued to the document as evidence that they are not speaking empty promises.
The Contract with Ottawa provides a means of accountability during the term of service, prior to the next election cycle. We ask the people to give encouragement to those who fulfill their promises, and to hold those accountable who do not. The people of Ottawa are ultimately responsible for holding elected individuals accountable.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men.” (The Declaration of Independence).
To preserve these rights, local governments play a limited, yet important role, which must not infringe on the individual rights or authority of the people.
As state and national leaders fail to preserve and protect the rights of the people, local government has never been more important.
As the progressive left promotes an anti-American agenda— undermining the goodness of America, the American people, and American values—we must defend our communities and way of life on a local level.
This is accomplished by electing leaders who prioritize liberty and the people above all else, while serving the needs of the community.
As citizens seeking office in Ottawa County, we establish this Contract with Ottawa for the people of Ottawa County, Michigan. We desire to protect the blessings of liberty for ourselves and future generations and to strengthen the bonds of trust between the people and their elected representatives.
The August 2024 primary election and November 2024 general election offer the people of Ottawa County an opportunity to once again elect a majority to the Board of Commissioners who will lead courageously, reject passivity, protect local authority, and respect the values and faith of the people of Ottawa County.
Governing Principles
We recognize our nation’s Judeo-Christian founding and heritage, and celebrate America as an exceptional nation blessed by God. We are committed to restore and amplify the principles of American exceptionalism:
- Limited government
- Individual responsibility
- Self-determination
- Freedom of speech
- Freedom of association
- Religious liberty
- Sanctity of life and conscience
- Due process
- Justice governed by grace, mercy, love, and compassion
- The right of parents to direct the care and upbringing of their children
Contract Agreement
As an elected county commissioner, I will:
- Promote and protect liberty and freedom by valuing the people of Ottawa County above the interests of government, corporations, or special interests. I will boldly take action to thwart tyranny, government overreach, and injustice in Ottawa County.
- Govern with the least force and least authority required, allowing citizens maximum opportunity to make their own decisions for their families, businesses, employees, churches, and schools.
- Promote due process and defend the rights and liberties of the people of Ottawa County, so the people may live without fear of reprisal or intimidation from local elected officials and staff.
- Defend the moral responsibility of parents and legal guardians to maintain control of the care and upbringing of their children, which must not be overstepped by government entities.
- Honor all people equally due to their individual intrinsic value and worth; reject ideology that segregates people into groups to justify treating them differently.
- Use common sense, courage, and the Constitution when making decisions in my elected role. I will lead courageously, reject passivity, restore and protect local authority, and respect the values and faith of the people of Ottawa County.
- Conduct myself with honesty, integrity, and professionalism.
Public Policy Agenda
If elected to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners, I will support the following items listed below:
Constitutional County
As a Constitutional County, I will protect the “individual freedoms of the people of Ottawa County, to include freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to due process.”
Pro America—A County “Where Freedom Rings”
I will promote a love of America and her people. I will live out the county vision statement of “Where Freedom Rings”—where individual freedom, parental rights, and religious and conscience freedom are protected, all people belong.
Law and Order
I will support a strong Public Safety, Law Enforcement and Justice System, to include the work of rehabilitation through the court system to decrease recidivism and increase the health and productivity of individuals and families.
Health Freedom
I will protect the individual and parental rights to make personal and natural health choices, as well as the right to be provided informed consent prior to medical intervention. I will encourage government to provide information to individuals, schools, and businesses, rather than operate through orders or coercion.
Pro Childhood Innocence
I will encourage individuals and communities to promote the good and the honorable to children rather than the normalization of sexual behaviors, protecting the health and wellbeing of our children and the future of our county.
Protect Life
I will protect and prioritize the needs of families, children, and unborn children
Parental Rights and Education Excellence
I will protect each parent’s right to guide their child’s care and education. I will be watchful of how the county interacts with the OAISD and local school districts. I will promote accountability and transparency to ensure the county’s actions with schools are limited and appropriate.
Honor Heroes of Freedom
I will honor our heroes of freedom—our veterans, with not only words, but actions, strengthening the Veterans Department’s ability to serve veterans and their families.
Prioritize Excellence and Merit over Identity Characteristics
I will prioritize excellence and merit over identity characteristics in county interactions and hiring, treating all individuals with kindness and respect
Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency
I will prioritize fiscal responsibility and transparency in the use of taxpayer dollars through careful consideration of grants, public reporting of county expenses, as well as the implementation of improved budgeting software, and a robust budget process. I will weigh both benefits and risks of county initiatives and grant opportunities, remembering Thomas Sowell’s words, “There are no solutions. There are only trade-offs.”
Energy, Water, & Affordable Homes
I will explore and consider innovative solutions for the challenges and opportunities of energy, groundwater, housing, and home ownership.
Farmland Preservation
I will work to protect farmland and the diverse agriculture industry of Ottawa County for the long-term security of the people of Ottawa County.
Pro Election Integrity
I will support election integrity efforts of the county and township clerks, to include the implementation and the use of watermarked ballots.
Pursue the Good and Beautiful
I will support the ongoing planning efforts and care of Ottawa County’s parks, encouraging our communities to enjoy the good and the beautiful surroundings of God’s creation.
Free Market Capitalism
I will support business growth and independence in Ottawa County, recognizing our county is built on the hard work and entrepreneurship of generations of individuals and families.
Community Mental Health and Department of Public Health
I will support meaningful work in Community Mental Health and the Department of Public Health, meeting the needs of the community while respecting parental rights and individual freedoms. I will consider the impact of county policy on the overall physical and mental health of the children and individuals of Ottawa County.
Respecting the judgment of citizens, I seek their mandate to protect freedom and strengthen trust by signing the Contract with Ottawa.
Soli Deo gloria.
Signature: ______________________________
Archive: View the 2022 Contract with Ottawa