
We have a unique opportunity to explore and cultivate a vibrant community with opportunity for business growth and the preservation of the American family.

Join us as we work together to protect individual freedoms.

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Ottawa Declaration

The Constitution must rule in all cases and apply in ALL times.

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Ottawa Resolution to Restore Freedom

An initiative of the people, by the people, for the people.

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Ottawa Precall

Elect leaders who align with the Contract with Ottawa.

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Ottawa Impact Education PAC

Unified Political Action to replace leaders who refuse to defend freedom.

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Ottawa Precall

Citizen-Led Accountability

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Legal Fund

Legal Fund

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A Bright Future
For Liberty

Soli Deo Gloria

What We See: Thoughts from the Founders of Ottawa Impact

Read the Pro-Life Protection Assessment for Ottawa County

Announcing 9 Republican Candidates for Ottawa County Commissioner


Education PAC

Announcing 11 Conservative Candidates for School Boards in Ottawa County

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