From its inception, and with intentionality, Ottawa Impact has been deeply committed to the protection of unborn life, as well as the protection of the innocence of children and youth targeted by Planned Parenthood and its activist allies.
Ottawa Impact’s core team is comprised of numerous individuals who have been actively engaged on pro-life and pro-child innocence issues within Ottawa County for many years.
Our passion for life, and defending against the infiltration and advancement of pro-abortion and pro-Planned Parenthood actions, resources, and alliances within Ottawa County government, is equal to our passion for freedom.
Ottawa Impact has completed a Pro-Life Protection Assessment for Ottawa County, which outlines this infiltration in two of our county departments, which the County Commissioners oversee.
An informed public is critical to transparency and accountability in our county. We encourage you to take the time to read this report, which includes visual documentation of our findings, and to share it with others who care deeply about pro-life issues and childhood innocence.
This report has been shared with Right to Life of Michigan, as we trust it will assist Right to Life and other communities across Michigan to defend against pro-abortion infiltration.
Our hope is this assessment will encourage elected officials, who espouse and are endorsed as pro-life candidates, to live up to the words they profess and actively protect life in the government bureaucracies they were entrusted by the people to oversee. If you know others who would appreciate reading this report, please share it with them today.
Please note, since Ottawa Impact began sharing the content of this report last week, Ottawa County has now removed the “Sexual Health” page from their website.
The Pro-Life Protection Assessment contains a link to a public DropBox with screenshots of the Ottawa County web page before the content was removed.
As revealed in the Assessment, the infiltration of pro-abortion resources and alliances in Ottawa County government goes much deeper than what is revealed on the county website, and has the potential to impact our children in our schools.
Below are two examples of the images in the DropBox that were linked from the Ottawa County website.