Truthful media is necessary to preserve America, holding government accountable to the People.

Simply American Media was launched to promote truthful journalism and cultural conversation. Simply American gives voice to everyday Americans no longer represented by the Democratic Activist Media.

“At this moment of national importance and in the grievous absence of truthful local news, Simply American Media was created. We have gathered thoughtful, strong voices out of our communities to defend our piece of America. Our mission is to connect, inform, and inspire our people with truthful journalism and honest cultural conversations.
We will defend the traditional American values of our nation’s founding, and expose harmful ideologies which threaten those values and freedom itself. We will not tell readers what to think, but provoke thought and truly listen to our people. We will highlight what unites us, and bring a refreshing celebration of the goodness of our people and our communities.”

In partnership with truthful journalism, an active people jealous for liberty is needed to protect our communities and nation. Thank you for being a part of the movement to defend America.