Rush Limbaugh was radio’s greatest of all time. He died on February 17, 2021.
“Rush, I miss you more than I’ll ever be able to say.”
– Mr. Bo Snerdley, on the third anniversary of Rush Limbaugh’s graduation into heaven.
We, too, are missing Rush today.
Rush believed “there would never be the ‘time to panic,’ because America would always be worth fighting for and saving.” -Bo Snerdley
We “Rush-babies” are here for it. Like Reagan, Rush taught us to not be afraid to “see what we see,” to speak truth to culture, and to take courageous action.
One of Rush’s greatest accomplishments was exposing the corrupt “drive-by media,” which he described as follows:
“With news events and people they want to destroy, people they want to harm, people they want to criticize, they flood the zone; they all come in; they all say and do the same things; they fire with the same ammo; they create chaos wherever they go.”
Rush believed the media machine was truly weaker than we thought and was overcome— as we witnessed in the case of President Reagan, with strong leadership.
In Ottawa County— and nationally in the case of President Trump, we are witnessing both “drive-by” and “parked media.”
“Drive-by” and “parked media” share the same destructive intent and tactics— with the latter lasting for an extended duration of time.
The Washington Post has engaged in so many “drive-by’s” of Ottawa County, one could argue they should invest in extended parking.
Perhaps they fear the courage and determination of Reagan is now present in Trump and Ottawa, and it may be contagious. But courageous leaders don’t quit because of obsessed media.
“I am forever proud of the work of Rush Limbaugh, and I’m honored to be a Rush Baby. His work brought humor, critical thinking, and courage to so many Americans. He was deeply formative to our understanding of politics, media, and advocating for policy positions which truly benefit the American people.”
– Sylvia Rhodea, co-founder of Ottawa Impact
May we honor Rush with courage and action as we defend our piece of America!