Ottawa County’s Board Chair announced Tuesday that Moody’s Investors Service assigned a AAA bond rating to Ottawa County’s bond issuance.

The county received the highest possible rating. You can read the letter here, which mentions the financial stability of the county.

During the past year, local news outlets like MLive, the Holland Sentinel, and the Washington Post published fake news articles saying the county would lose its AAA bond rating after Vetted Republicans were elected to the Board of Commissioners.

The new board took immediate action to reform parts of the county government.

They defunded the DEI Department, saving $280,000 per year. They also changed the county vision statement to Where Freedom Rings. The board replaced the administrator and corporation counsel, and hired one of the best Constitutional law firms in the state: Kallman Legal Group.

Left-wing newspapers attacked these courageous actions and tried to disparage Conservative reforms.

Financial Stability

Ottawa County has strong cash reserves, low debt, and sound fiscal management. The AAA rating is good for taxpayers because it allows cities, townships, and the county to get lower interest rates for projects.

The unemployment rate in Ottawa County is one of the lowest in the entire state at about 2.5%.

The county budget is over $250M per year, and the county has about $200M in investments earning millions of dollars in interest each year for taxpayers.

Last year, the county board rejected $2M in unneeded Covid grants, reducing the health department budget, while maintaining its FY24 budget at the second highest yearly level in the past decade.

The future is bright for freedom-loving individuals and families of Ottawa County!