Sylvia Rhodea spoke at a recent press conference hosted by the Ottawa County Republican Party.

The event was called The People’s Press Conference. It was held on July 29, 2024, in Allendale, Michigan.

The press conference was attended by hundreds of Republican Party supporters, families, and precinct delegates.

You can watch Sylvia’s speech below.

Speech Transcript

The people of Ottawa County have a deep love for America— our beautiful land, our children, our families, our faith, our freedoms, and abundant opportunity.

We are not different than millions of Americans across Michigan and America. Our communities were forged with the hard work and love of previous generations— who taught us the importance of faith, perseverance, and courage.

There comes a time when each generation must stand to protect this America we hold dear. It is our time.

President Reagan reminded us, “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

Reagan also encouraged us in his farewell address, “Don’t be afraid to see what you see.”

Today, as the Biden Harris administration brings America to decline, we are told to dismiss truth, that God and morality have no place in the public square.

The Democrat Party and their media arm would have us reject biological reality, embrace child sexualization and gender transition, proclaim government knows better than parents how to raise a child, and embrace racist DEI propaganda as truth.

And just a few short years ago, Governor Whitmer and her government bureaucracy dictated we mask children and student athletes, with devastating results.

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment for America and our County, when we must choose to not only to see what we see, but who we will be.

The courage to stand for freedom and children is our mantle to take up. But we don’t stand alone.

President Donald J. Trump embraced the need for courage earlier than many of us— and stood for everyday Americans— taking the slings and arrows of a corrupt political system, the radical left’s media arm, incessant Democrat law fare, and two weeks ago— an attempt on his life.

He is admittedly tougher at times than some wish— perhaps he needed to be tough to endure all he has— but his deep love for America and for her people is evident.

Under President Trump, families and businesses prospered, and children and religious freedom were protected. —And under President Trump, millions of dollars of Obama’s previous funding of Planned Parenthood’s over sexualized, anti-parent sex ed was diverted to instead support quality sex ed programs for schools, which taught the value of life long relationships and family.

As we watch the dramatic decline of America’s prosperity, freedom, and morality under the Biden/Harris administration, my respect for President Trump and his Pro America policies deepens.

And like President Trump, over the past two years, parents standing for America and protecting kids in Ottawa County have undergone an onslaught of law fare and hundreds of hit pieces from the Democrat Party and their national and local media allies. We call this the Trump treatment.

Courage is rarely needed more than it is today— from the local to the national level. Just as we need to re-elect courageous parents to protect this county, we need President Trump back.

President Trump’s pick of Senator JD Vance to be his Vice President is a reassurance President Trump understands the critical moment we are in, and continues to prioritize everyday Americans, American values, and all we hold dear.

Ottawa County is pivotal to Michigan elections— and Michigan is pivotal to America.

With America on the line, and local and national media focused on our beautiful county, we are honored to endorse President Trump.

Let’s Defend Our Piece of America!