Press Release
April 11, 2024
We are thankful to the People of Ottawa County, who took decisive action to defend their piece of America in 2022—to protect individual freedoms, parental rights, and freedom of religion and conscience, by electing a courageous new majority to the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners.
We are grateful for the new commissioners who have worked so hard to represent the people of Ottawa County. We desire for the Board of Commissioners to govern with integrity and excellence in a manner consistent with Constitutional freedoms and American values, pursuing the good and the beautiful for the people of Ottawa County.
2023 was a year of tremendous learning and growth. We have truly loved working to protect and build Ottawa County to be a place where freedom rings and families flourish.
In 2023, commissioners served on any of the Board Standing Committees that they desired, as well as numerous other committees throughout the county, such as Community Mental Health, Parks and Recreation, groundwater, and economic development, just to name a few. The goal was to provide the opportunity to commissioners to understand all the various aspects of county government and the county departments they oversee.
The Public Policy Agenda of the updated Contract with Ottawa is reflective of the priorities of the conservative majority of the Board of Commissioners based on this work.
Our desire is for Ottawa County to be a place which offers a healthy and vibrant lifestyle, fosters meaningful work, provides opportunity for business growth, honors the faith of its people, respects the family and parental rights, and protects education excellence for children.
Ottawa County continues to be among the state’s most conservative and wealthiest counties, is the fastest growing county, has one of the lowest unemployment rates, and is one of the best places to live. Ottawa County continues its AAA bond rating, has a clean audit for 2023, and has strengthened its excellent financial position in 2023.
We are honored to continue the work to cultivate beautiful Ottawa County—Where Freedom Rings!