This is part 3 of 3 in a series about the Resolution to End Enforcement of Covid-19 Orders and Restore Constitutional Freedoms to Ottawa County. Ottawa Impact is passionate about restoring freedom to Ottawa County! We ask you to join us in requesting the Ottawa County Commissioners take the following steps to uphold their oath to the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Michigan, and restore constitutional freedom and due process of law to our county. Constitutional freedoms are not suspended in times of crisis!

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners will no longer support unconstitutional orders unilaterally imposed by Governor Whitmer and state agencies regarding COVID-19 without the authority of law. Constitutional freedoms are not to be suspended in times of crisis.

We direct the County Administrator to notify department heads that no funds or re-sources are to be expended for enforcement or pressured compliance to any orders regarding COVID-19, to include license reporting or barring access to schools, churches, businesses and operations that fail to comply with such orders.

We direct no use of funds for the arrest and prosecution of any person accused of violating emergency orders regarding COVID-19. We encourage the Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department and the Ottawa County Prosecutor’s Office to uphold their oaths of office to support the Constitution, and make this the lowest priority.

We trust the citizens of Ottawa County to act responsibly towards others, while deter-mining what is best for themselves and their families, in contending with risks associated with COVID-19. Measured, reasonable actions are encouraged to protect the elderly in residential care, while allowing for contact with loved ones. We encourage churches, public and private schools, and local businesses to use their own good judgment to operate in a manner which minimizes risk to citizens, while protecting the health and welfare of their business, care for their employees, and the community.

Information regarding Covid-19 Statistics, Risks and Resources will remain on the Ot-tawa County website as a resource for residents. The County will continue to provide Covid-19 vaccines and testing for those who desire them. As all medical procedures carry risk, opening our County is not dependent on residents choosing to be vaccinated or tested. Ottawa County will not support the use of vaccine passports, or differing treatment of unvaccinated individuals in schools, businesses, and public places.

On behalf of the citizens of Ottawa County, we call on Governor Whitmer, MDHHS, and MIOSHA to immediately end all orders and restrictions related to Covid-19, and cease from issuing more in the future. We request the Michigan Legislature adopt constitutionally sound measures which limit the unchecked exercise and abuse of ex-ecutive power and administrative agencies, and which restore individual responsibility and freedom, not dependent on public health data.

We request a copy of this Resolution be sent to Governor Whitmer, Senator Victory, Representative Meerman, Representative Slagh, Representative Lilly, the Michigan Senate, the Michigan House of Representatives, the Michigan Association of Counties, and to the Clerk of each County in the State of Michigan.

Please join us and sign the Resolution to Restore Freedom at!